Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Heart of the Matter

I know I haven't written in awhile but I guess I haven't really felt inspired. That changed today. I heard an old Don Henley song on the radio and it made me feel...I'm not quite sure of the emotion but whatever it was it got me to thinking.

"I got the call today I didn't want to hear, but I knew that it would come. An old true friend of ours was talking on the phone, she said you found someone. And I thought of all the bad luck and all the struggles we went through, how I lost me and you lost you. What are all these voices outside love's open door? Make us throw off our contentment and beg for something more. I've been learning to live without you now but I miss you sometimes. The more I know the less I understand and all the things I thought I knew I'm learning them again. "

Why are we so desperate to hang on to something mediocre in fear of having nothing at all? For so long I was so desperate to hold on to something that was so wrong and for what? I was scared I would never find something as good as okay? I mean how hard is it to trump alright? Well the truth of it is...when you finally let go of "just okay" is the exact moment you are ready to find amazing.

When contentment leads to inspiration ... that is amazing.

When you can look in someone's eyes and see everything you are feeling mirrored back at you...that is amazing.

When you don't have to question every look and every word...that is amazing

When you look in the mirror and still see the real you and not some incarnation of someone else's fantasy...that is amazing.

When you can give someone everything you have and not lose a thing...that is amazing.