Friday, June 6, 2008

Working Girl

I don't want to be a lawyer. What I would really like to be is a writer, but lets face it...I don't have the talent. So in lieu of what it is I really want, I work hard everyday to be something, that to be honest, I really hate. If I had known prior to this that all a lawyer does is sit all day, I might have considered a different career path...unfortunately, the albatross around my neck known as student debt is keeping me from that. So today I spent too many hours of my life, that I will never get back, learning to do Internet research. I have already spent too many hours of my life, that I will never get back, learning to do Internet research...that's what they teach you in law school.

I guess what I am wondering is...does anyone like their job? Today as I was wondering around the office I let my eyes wander over the cluttered desks and furrowed brows and I couldn't help but think..."do any of these people enjoy what they do?" The sad fact of the matter is...Americans spend more time at work than at home...and it would be really nice if we could actually enjoy that time and not spend the day plotting our escape. Unfortunately the vast majority of us are trapped ... trapped in a cycle of jobs we hate, counting down the minutes and the hours until we can breath fresh air and no longer subject ourselves to florescent lights. So until I find the job of my dreams (which I doubt exists) I will have to be happy with what I have, for the moments and people that make me whole and happy :)

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