Onto the good. I got two new house plants and they are just adorable. If I had a camera I would take a picture of them for you all to ohhh and ahhh over.
As for the ugly...I kind of feel like the first one encompasses both.
Also I saw "Becoming Jane" and it was an excellent movie. You know why? Because she doesn't end up with her "true love" and she makes a life for herself sans a man. I know I know I am becoming bitter but it really was refreshing. I don't know what we want to make of the fact that Ms. Austen spend her life spinning tales of love and fulfillment but we will leave that one alone for now.

Following that thought, how many chances do you suppose you get at love? In "Becoming Jane" she has her one true love and when it doesn't work out she spends the rest of her life living by the pen. So the question becomes, what if you have never had a true love or what if you have had more that one true love and finally what if you have only had one and don't currently have another....where are you left in all these situations? I think the best option is number one because you can always be thinking true love is around the corner. Number two is also desirable because hey you are lucky in love, no crying over spilled milk because there will always be someone new to pour you another. Worst category is number three...you think it just won't ever happen for you again. I don't think I really fit into any of those categories...I am going to go with number one because although I have been "in love" I refuse to believe it was my "true love" because it that was the case I wouldn't be sleeping alone. Tricky! Yes this is what law school is teaching me...splitting hairs.
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