Wednesday, August 8, 2007

So I know I'm not Carrie but.....

"You three are the loves of her life, a guy is lucky to come in fourth." I happened to be flipping through the channels and this episode just happened to be on and you know is so true. These day I woman doesn't need to be married, doesn't need children. You know what she needs: Her friends, her family, her health and her freaking mind!

Side note. Really funny conversation between myself and the new roomie:

Me: "So I was thinking of getting a bike, are you guys going wear helmets? I don't want to look like the 'special' law student.

Roomie: I have $90 grand riding on this thing (placing hands around her head) I don't care if I do look special.

1 comment:

~ me said...

it only works if the three loves of her life still all live in the same city! *cough, cough, wink, wink, nudge, nudge*