Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Just so you all know

I am so freaking excited about starting school! Oh man I know I am just setting myself up for disappointment but for some reason I have a really good feeling about everything. Sure I am prolonging adulthood by going back to school but I honestly believe that once I have graduated I will finally be able to get a job that I not only tolerate but like. We will see.

Anyhow today I got my orientation schedule and that made things seem so much more real. I mean before it was always just out there but now I have reading assignments and whatnot. It's so cute they even have activities we can participate in during orientation week. Sporting events, hikes, picnics whatever you want. I don't know why but that makes me happy. I just hope there are a few normal types there so I don't go crazy this year.

Who thinks I need to go shopping for a pink suit?

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