Monday, July 23, 2007

Nothing of note

Okay so I came to a sad conclusion today...I have way too many clothes and I hate about 70% of them. I have seriously been doing laundry for days. Washing everything from sheets to sweatshirts and jackets. I have packed away all my sweaters and fleeces until winter comes around again. As it's almost 90 degrees where I am headed I don't think I will be wearing anything heavier than a tank top for the next couple of months.

I am trying to come up with something good to entertain you all with but my days are mostly filled with packing and crossing things off my "to do list." I am happy to report that I bought a new wall calendar and have loving written down all of your birthdays!

In the last month I have had a physical, two fillings and my eye prescription renewed. Man this should keep me healthy for the next year!

Okay so I am really boring today! I promise to come up with something interesting for later.

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