Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The role models next door?

Okay admit it, you have all watched "The Girls Next Door." There is something strangely amusing about watching the 80 year old founder of Play Boy romance his three blonde live-in girlfriends. It's like a reality version of "Big Love" but with fake boobs, mansions and Vegas parties on almost every other episode.

Why are we drawn to shows like this? Shows that tell us men can be sexy at any age but women have a shelf life? Yes I know he is Hugh Hefner but still.

Anyhow I'm diverging. What prompted this entry was yesterday's episode. The girls go to Vegas and hundreds of people are lined-up for their autographs. Holly, the oldest 'girl', refers to herself and her other house mates as 'role models.' What makes them role models? I mean I really like the show, but I wouldn't consider the girls role models. There is noway I would want to fashion myself after these women, and I hope young girls aren't set on having a life the includes one man for every three women.

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