when you can't buy hard alcohol anywhere?!! Honestly I am in some kind of alternate universe! Yes it's true you couldn't buy the hard stuff in Libertyville either but at least it was readily available. Plus in my new homeland people don't even seem to understand that alcoholic beverages exist outside of the beer and wine family.
I wanted to make mojitos for my mom...it is super hot out and it seemed like a fun summer drink. We walk in to Safeway and see a large beer and wine section but alas no booze. Being the intelligent woman that I am I figure that like Libertyville, this lovely state abides by the no booze on Sundays, after 9 p.m. or in the regular grocery store rules. I take this information and decide it's really no big deal since I am living less than a mile from campus and figure there must be at least half a dozen such stores in a ten mile radius. WRONG. DEAD WRONG. There are ten liquor stores in the whole city and none are open on Sundays and none are near by. In fact when I began asking people (young 20 somethings who looked like they enjoyed some quality time with the bottle) they looked at me like I had two heads. In fact I asked one young guy where the alcohol section of Safeway was and he said "its right there" (pointing to the beer and wine). I said "no the hard stuff" and he said, "I don't know...not here" ... As if he had never drank the stuff or even heard of it. Ahh the insanity. Okay enough for now.
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